Top War Robots Robots and Titans 2022-07

Hi commanders, This is the current top robots and titans of 2022-07. It is based on the hangar of the best players of the game (The Legend League). The number indicated beside the robot/titan’s name is the number of occurrences in the Legend League. Enjoy and please consider like/share/subscribe if you enjoy the content. Thanks for your support! TITANS Top 5: 5th: Heimdall x2 Recommended build: Lantern, 3 onslaught reactor, 1 Titan Anticontrol Heimdall presence in this top 5 is anecdotal as it was used only twice. 4th: Sharanga x10 Recommended build: Gargantua, 3 Onslaught reactor, 1 Titan Anticontrol Sharanga was not used much before the new weapon Gargantua. With 3 Gargantua, a Sharanga can deal huge amount of damage. 3th Minos x18 Recommended build: Cinder, 2 onslaught reactor, 1 Titan Anticontrol, 1 Grand Balanced Module Minos is an excellent titan that can deal great damages when played at the right time and right place and also capture beacons as very fast. 2nd Luchador x21 Recom...