Top War Robots Robots and Titans 2022-07

Hi commanders,

This is the current top robots and titans of 2022-07. It is based on the hangar of the best players of the game (The Legend League).

The number indicated beside the robot/titan’s name is the number of occurrences in the Legend League.

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5th: Heimdall x2

Recommended build: Lantern, 3 onslaught reactor, 1 Titan Anticontrol

Heimdall presence in this top 5 is anecdotal as it was used only twice.

4th: Sharanga x10

Recommended build: Gargantua, 3 Onslaught reactor, 1 Titan Anticontrol

Sharanga was not used much before the new weapon Gargantua. With 3 Gargantua, a Sharanga can deal huge amount of damage.

3th Minos x18

Recommended build: Cinder, 2 onslaught reactor, 1 Titan Anticontrol, 1 Grand Balanced Module

Minos is an excellent titan that can deal great damages when played at the right time and right place and also capture beacons as very fast.

2nd Luchador x21

Recommended build: Cinder Grom, 2 Titan Anticontrol, 2 onslaught Reactor

Luchador is excellent to push to takeover beacons. It can deal huge amount of damage. But be careful of the Murometz that like to snipe Luchador from 500-600m.

1st Murometz x25

Recommended build: Dazzler Lantern, 2 Onslaught reactor, 2 Quantum Sensor

With Dazzler and Lantern, Murometz is an excellent sniper that can neutralise any enemy with the blind effect. The 2 Quantum Sensor modules are here to kill other Murometz!


Ao Ming, Nodens, Arthur and of course Kid are not in this top 5. But I believe an Ao Ming with 2 Dazzlers and 2 Lanterns can be efficient if played cautiously, but will be more difficult to play than Murometz. And Nodens can be a good option for healing and support the teammates. But Nodens main default is its speed.
The most popular Titan Modules are Onslaught Reactor, Titan Anticontrol, Grand Balanced Module.
ROBOTS Top 14:

Note: For all robots the recommended active module is Repair or Advanced Repair for the attack or defence bonus it gives with the right drone and chips.

New weapons Blight, Hazard and Decay were sometimes used. They are too new to see them often used. So to keep in view for the next ranking.

14th: Seraph x3

Recommended build: Puncher, 2 Repair Amplifier , 1 Nuclear Amplifier. Pilot: Trixie Hope

Not sure that Trixie Hope is better than Jill Summers pilot for Seraph, but it can give more often attack and defence bonus with drone and chips. Anyway the sample is not enough representative for now. The rank of Seraph in this top 15 is due I believe to the difficulty to get it and because it is very new. We can expect to see it going up in the next ranking.

13th: Demeter x3

Recommended build: Mace, 2 Balanced Unit, 1 Repair Amplifier. Pilot: APPM-3TR

There is not many repair robots and Demeter is one of the best ones, especially with the ability of repairing grey damage with the pilot APPM-3TR.

The weakness of Demeter is Harpy & Siren who ignore shields when piloted by Yang Lee or Fafnir piloted by Svyatogor.

12th Fafnir x3

Recommended build: 4 Razdor, 2 Nuclear Amplifier, 1 Repair Amplifier, Pilot: Svyatogor

Fafnir is not the number one anymore since it severe nerf. But it is still playable thanks to his pilot ability to bypass shields and his shield that can increase its built-in weapon, it’s ability to fly and its good firepower with 4 medium weapon slots.

11th: Ravana x5

Recommended build: Havoc, 3 Overdrive unit, Pilot: Arnav Poe

Another ex-number 1 that is still surviving and used by some top players. It hs a great defence and good firepower (3 medium weapon slots). Transcendance can help him to run away difficult situation or to approach an enemy to close range.

10th: Orochi x5

Recommended build: Devastator, 3 Nuclear Amplifier. Pilot: Ghost

We don’t see many Orochi at the beginning of each game as it was the case before. But Orochi is still a good starting robot. It can capture a couple of beacon and kill one robot before being destroyed.

9th: Hawk x10

Recommended build: Smuta Kramola, 2 Nuclear Amplifiers, 1 Last Stand. Pilot: Kyle Rogers

Hawk is still a good robot, mainly because it is probably the most effective against titans. Homing weapons are useful when it is behind cover waiting for its next flight.

7-8th: Siren x13 

Recommended build: Smuta Kramola, 2 Nuclear Amplifiers, 1 Last Stand. Pilot: Yang Lee.

7-8th: Harpy x13

Recommended build: Razdor Smuta, 1 Last Stand, 1 Balanced Unit, 1 Nuclear Amplifier. Pilot: Yang Lee

Siren an Harpy are evenly used by top players with a slight preference for Siren. Usually they last long and are not great to capture beacons, so I recommend ot use only one of the 2 in your hangar. Yang Lee is a must have and is probably the reason of the presence of Siren and Harpy in this ranking.

6th Revenant x14

Recommended build: Devastator Scatter, 1 Nuclear Amplifier, 1 Repair Amplifier, 1 Balanced module. Pilot: Vasilisa

Revenant is great to push beacon and its physical shield useful against Blind weapons. It is one of the best tank in the game, especially to play aggressively like in squad. Its teleportation ability is preferred from Traditionalist pilot skill as it as already a lot of defence.

We are now entering the top 5 robots, this is a threshold as there is max 5 different robots in an hangar.

5th Typhoon x17

Recommended build: Mace. 1 Last Stand, 1 Nuclear Amplifier, 1 Repair Amplifier. Pilot: River Chase

I believe the presence so high in the ranking of Typhoon is due to the new pilot: River Chase. +25% of damage when ability is triggered, in addition to the +70% if you play 2 On Repair Unit: Damage on your drone is huge, and can deal a crazy amount of damage. It is still a weak robots so to be used as an ice cannon, typically when a lonely red is coming to one of your beacon.

4th: Fenrir x22

Recommended build: Mace, Hammer, 2 Repair Amplifier, 1 Nuclear Amplifier. Pilot: Bernadette

The good old Fenrir is still at the top of the robots, since Bernadette has been issued. It is a very hard to kill robot as Revenant, and it has a great attack power with its 2 medium and 1 heavy slots. Its main weakness is its slowness so to be used accordingly. For example to be spawned on the beacon to protect it (especially if deadly short range weapons).

3rd: Skyros x28

Recommended build: Devastator, Havoc, Scatter. 1 Anticontrol, 2 Repair Amplifier. Pilot: Theseus

Skyros is the new best beacon runner. And it is an annoying robots that can protect a beacon even under enemies shots, can push an enemy outside of the beacon for capture it, or from a cliff to kill it. And not only a beacon runner, it is also an assassin with good firepower that can go behind opponent lines to kill robots. Demonstration in this video:

Skyros can survive long and will not deal as much as damage as other robots. So I recommend to play max 1 Skyros in your hangar.

2nd: Behemoth x42

Recommended build: Puncher, 2 Repair Amplifier, 1 Nuclear Amplifier. Pilot: Andrey

Before pilot Andrey, Behemoth was not usable. Since Andrey, it has come back and with Puncher weapons + the new Repair and Nuclear amplifier modules, it is now the number 2 robot in the game! With repair amplifier, it is not squishy anymore and can survive on the battlefield and deal a crazy amount of damage in a short time. 

And the Winner is:

1st: Khepri x102

Recommended build: 4 cudgel, 1 Nuclear Amplifier, 2 Repair Amplifier. Pilot: Misaki
Khepri is the current OP robot. It is a beacon runner, a tank, a healer and has good firepower. Great robots to get honnor points!

I believe it will be nerfed soon. So be careful before levelling up more than one Khepri.

The passive modules that are currently ruling the battlefield are Repair Amplifier and Nuclear Amplifier, combine together it is a big deal. Balanced Unit is also a good alternative. Last Stand is still good for squishy robots.

Let’s see the top 5 robots in action now! :















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