How to play Minos?

Minos is my favourite Titan because it beacon runner (fast using its Charge), can push robots in the abyss using Charge. Has a great defence with Reflector shield.

Squall: The best weapons for Minos is 3x Squall, it is the most used build in Legend League. Squall is a shotgun so very efficient against Shell and Arthur or any robots with a physical shield. You charge close to the enemy and unload quickly your 3 Squall. You can take down almost any titan by doing that (except maybe top Nodens or Sharanga, but you will hurt them badly).
Retaliator: I personally use retaliator. First reason is because I don't have 3 Squall maxed out. But also because like Squall it is a shotgun so do double damage against physical shields (Arthur, Shell, etc). I Also like to shot at 500m and hide when my Reflector ability is reloading. I use Cannibal reactor to focus on titans and Self-Fix Unit. Staying away give me enough time to reload my weapons and ability, but also maximise the Self-fix unit as it takes time to heal. I can keep my minos alive quite a while using this tactic. If I was playing Squall, I will use Plated armor kit or another Cannibal reactor instead of Self-Fix Unit module. With retaliator, I can also kind of snipe at the enemy, useful against flying bots like Ao Ming (my favourite target with this build), Hawk/Ao Jun when they are taking-off or landing, and also Fafnir as Retaliator reach the target fast. Just need to anticipate a bit the movement of the target and shoot a bit before (not complicated). Even an Ao Ming snipping at 600m range can be easily reach by using charge to approach him at 500m.
Cyclone: In one of his video ( ), Manni recommends Cyclone on Minus because it can snipe but also come close to the enemy to make more damage (Cyclone makes more damage when you are closer to the target). It is more efficient against Fafnir as you don't miss your target with Cyclone and with 600m range even better than Retaliator to snipe. But the damage are lower against physical shield.
When you are close to the enemy use your Reflector. But use it with parsimony: usually I keep it in case a Titan could spawn when I am fighting near a red beacon or red starting point (avoid to do that, this is most of the time not a good idea as multiple enemies can spawn and destroy you) or if many robots are shooting at me. If only one robot shooting at me, I just keep my Reflector Shield for harder times. Be very careful when you go to a capture a red beacon. I died many times by doing that, even with my Reflector module ready because 2 titans or ore spawned or even just a Sharanga with 3 Groms that use its "Phase Exile" power to disable me the time of my Reflector and then kills me with using it's Full Power ability. Better to focus killing enemies if you have 3 or more beacons or go to a beacon with your teammates that might help you. But sometimes no choice needs to take risks. In this case try to keep one or two Charge so if bad stuff spawns, you can run away under cover.
Another enemy of Minos is Minos: it can also kill you, especially if it is using Squall and you are using Retaliator or Cyclone. The only thing you can do in this case is:
- do not use your Reflector as long your opponent does not shoot at you
- count the unload and reload time of the other minos. For example Squall unload during 25 seconds (enough to kill you) but needs 24 second to reload. Attack Minos with Squall just after it has unloaded its weapons, and its Reflector shield (17s cooldown when maxed out at level 25). Not easy.
And don't forget "free damage" by using your Charge ability to hurt your opponents for example when they are close to you behind an obstacle (Charge range = 100m). Or corner shooting. I like to hide behind a column to be able to shoot at my enemies with my left and right weapons while enemy shoot will be stop by the columns. Like for example in Castle map behind the statues (see picture). Or behind the 3 silos in Springfied map near beacon E (see picture).

Also keep in mind that you can push away robots with your charge. When you are near an abyss (on Carrier , The Abyss or Castle maps), try to have your target and the abyss in front of you and try to push your target in the abyss. Some robots fly aways easily like Jumping or flying robots (when they are landing). It is really fun.
Hope this post will help you to maximise your Minos. Don't hesitate to share or comment if you have other advices for Minos I have missed.
Good luck commanders!


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